This Lupus Life

I am the dancer and Lupus is my music. I want to make it look beautiful

Good bye 2011

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What a year this has been.

Growing up I only had one real goal for life, and that was to travel. I wanted to go to every country in the world. See all the amazing natural and man-made sights that anyone could possibly see. My ultimate destination was Europe. This year I made my first trip there.

Life Mission One: Accomplised

I’ve always wanted a job to excel in. Something that I can apply my creativity to. Something that allows me to work closely with people. I studied Interior Decoration and graduated straight in to my dream job in the industry working for a high-end Italian furniture company as a Design and Sales Consultant. I was very successful at this. My boss even organised for my further studies in furniture design and leather manufacture. I worked with the company for over 2 years.

Another Life Mission: Accomplished

Earlier this year I left my dream job as I was no longer challenged. I found a new job in a completely unrelated industry as a desk clerk for a shipping company so that I could focus more on my life. I learned Stand-Up Paddleboarding. I learned how to cook a lot of new amazing things. I have become a very good gardener.

I have re-established old friendships. Before my trip I had only seen The Kid once the whole year. Since then I see her once a week, usually for dinner, and sometimes for breakfast or shopping. Once a month Nelly and I walk over a new and interesting terrain for a minimum of 14kms. We have been from Hillarys to North Beach (return), Cottesloe to Scarborough, my house to Canning Bridge (return), a few random versions of the Swan River Route. This year I made a new friend, whom I have become quite close to. He’s taught me a lot about the wind and water, but mostly I think I have learned patience from him, but don’t tell him.

I have lost contact with a few friends this year, but the most important loss was Arthur. He drops by like that awkward out-of-town friend from school, but he doesn’t show up often or stay for long. I am what I would call ‘healthy’. Pilates certainly helps and I am missing Yoga.

So this was my 2011.

Author: Chevron Spots

I am in my mid twenties and fighting my battles to discover who I am and where I fit in to this zany, beautiful world. I was diagnosed with Lupus in in 2008. This takes up most of my focus, as I want to share the experience of trying to live with and rise above chronic invisible illness, so to speak. I would like to stress very much the information regarding medications, medical procedures and illnesses are discussed from my point of view, and with my understanding, colloquialisms and metaphors. I do not attempt to be legally and precisely accurate for the general population, rather I try to be emotionally and descriptively true to my experiences. I hope I can help in understanding others with chronic illness by providing one more personal recount of just how spontaneous and difficult these lives really are. One day I hope to visit every continent, climb some pretty high mountains, sleep in an ice cavern, marry a wonderfully understanding man, have children and teach more children. Mostly, I just want a simple life, you know the house with a husband and kids. Oh, and no pain.

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